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Author: Sidorova S.V., Moiseev K.M., Vasiliev D.D., Nazarenko M.V., Mikhailova I.V. Published in the journal (s): Photonics Volume 16 No. 4 2022
Plasma treatment is a powerful tool for cleaning the surfaces of materials from contamination, reducing surface roughness, increasing surface energy and surface modification. The use of plasma treatment plants in the chain of technological equipment is a global trend. The article presents the results of plasma processing of a high-frequency gas discharge in the MPC RF-12 plasma processing unit. The influence of parameters and modes of plasma treatment, namely power and time, on the quality of treatment determined by the wetting angle is investigated. It is shown that in some cases it is possible to achieve similar results with a different ratio of plasma treatment parameters.
Date of publication 09.09.2022
Plasma surface treatment of materials for photonics tasks
Author: Moiseev K., Vorobyev I., Vasiliev D. Published in the journal (s): Website of the Mayor of Moscow

To remove contamination, modify or activate (increase chemical activity) the surfaces of products from high—tech areas without damaging them - such tasks are designed to solve the development of the resident of the technopark "Polyus", the company GN Electronics.

"The innovation of our installation is that we use a bipolar pulse generator developed by us to produce plasma. It creates short and frequent pulses, which allows you to increase the concentration of ions. Additionally, in the intervals between pulses, a relatively low negative voltage is applied to the electrodes to give the ions the minimum energy necessary for processing. This ensures careful and efficient processing of sensitive semiconductor and quantum structures without increasing the temperature of the product," said Denis Vasiliev, a leading engineer at GN Electronics.

Date of publication 09.09.2022
Efficient and careful: a resident of the Polyus Technopark presented an innovative plasma processing plant for materials
Author: Moiseev K., Vasiliev D., Mikhailova I., Vorobyev I. Published in the journal (s): Photonics, Issue 2, 2022

Plasma treatment is actively used in the manufacture of optical components in photonics and microelectronics products: cleaning the surface from contamination, reducing surface roughness, increasing surface energy and surface modification. The article presents information about the range of MPC plasma processing units developed by GN tech together with specialists of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The emphasis is placed on an innovative development – an installation with a high-current bipolar pulse generator of low frequency, which provides an increased concentration of low-energy ions and a significantly lower process temperature for processing promising photonics and microelectronics products (polymer lenses, waveguides) sensitive to plasma.

Date of publication 09.09.2022
Development of plasma processing systems for optics and electronics products
Author: Moiseev K., Vasiliev D., Mikhailova I., Vorobyev I. Published in the journal (s): Technologies in the electronic industry
The article presents information about the range of MPC plasma processing units developed by GN tech together with specialists of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The emphasis is placed on the development of installations with a high-current bipolar pulse generator of low frequency, which provides an increased concentration of low-energy ions and a significantly lower process temperature for processing promising micro and nanoelectronics products sensitive to the effects of plasma.
Date of publication 09.09.2022
Development of plasma processing systems for micro and nanoelectronics products